Get Started
Guide for Economic Operators
Please sign in to have access to all technical and integration resource.
Instructions on how to get access to the EU Secondary systems

Step 2: Documents & Resources
Access the Knowledge Base or follow the links below to review all Documents and Resources. These include relevant documents concerning Public Specifications, Technical Documentation, and Workshop Presentations.
Regulation and Regulatory questions
Note: For all regulatory aspects please refer directly to the European Commission website Systems for tobacco traceability and security features or the relevant competent authorities.
Public Specifications
The Public Specifications are referenced on the EU website and are accessible for the general public here. User registration is not required.

Step 3: Technical and Integration Resources
Technical Specifications
The site provides all resources concerning all technical information. Here you will find relevant Technical Documents.
Development & Integration
For quick access please download the Postman QA file and the Test Plan here.

Step 4: Access The Production, QA & Certification Environments
Please go to the On-Boarding Section to request your credentials and access to the different environments as below. Follow the relevant instructions to start to connect to the EU Secondary Repository and Router.
Important!: Please register as an EO only if the EO is connecting directly to the Router. This registration does not apply for EOs that are using a service provider. If you are using a Service Provider do not register and please contact your Service Provider.

Our help team is available for any technical questions. Contact the support team via the Service Portal.